Tonight was "Y" night for our family. The boys began their swim lessons (thanks to Grandma and Grandpa!) and Mommy needed a work out! And I mean NEEDED a work out!
All employees were sent a survey to collect feedback on what to cut out of next year's budget. There are 3 columns of potential cuts and it is the employees' job to choose what should be cut. The catch? All the cuts selected had to equal the deficit of $40 million! Jobs, benefits, transportation, athletics, administration, and yes, a choice of furlough lengths were all listed. It was unsettling to see my position on this survey and know that I have a good chance of being voted off the island.
I tried to remain calm and positive, but lost all control when I got home. Any edible morsel in the house was consumed! And this was before I started cooking dinner. I then gorged while cooking and at the dinner table. It was gross!
Luckily, it was Y night. MGR was gracious enough to watch the boys at the pool while I attempted some physical exertion that didn't involve utensils. After 30 minutes of hard elliptical work, I felt better. My stomach has one heck of a hangover, but my brain is clearer and my spirits are higher. I'm now getting ready for a good night's sleep with my therapy blog and cup of peppermint tea. I hope to spend the rest of the week detoxing and working things out, physically, mentally and emotionally.
Until next time......exercise away!!
I'm so proud of you... and I'm in awe of your perseverance. Had I gorged (and I would have, Oh... yes, I would have) I would have said, "Who am I kidding?" about going to the Y and exercising.
But you did.
In light of the circumstances, I think the utensil workout can be forgiven!!!
What a bunch of pansies, asking everyone to survey... leadership without chutzpah isn't really leadership iMHO
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