While I'm sad that vacation is coming to a close, I'm relieved that another holiday season is over. The expectations thrust upon us by outside forces clash yearly with what really happens in our lives. We strive for Norman Rockwell and end up like Norman Fell (luckily not Norman Bates). Truthfully, I am happy not seeing another Christmas commercial til next December, although they start to rear their ugly heads in August!
Tomorrow, we go back to our routines. The boys go to their school, I start a series of trainings. We begin the New Year learning. Maybe the learning should be a little different: that the holidays aren't about perfection and expectation, but about togetherness and laughter; not about gifts and shopping, but about gratitude and blessings. This is the learning I wish my boys would master.
Until next time.....learn away!
1 comment:
Look on the bright side; now that the tree is taken down, the threat of someone running into it and poking out an eye is greatly reduced.
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