This picture is of the "Fairy Godmothers", AA-C and LA, and AA-C's husband, CC. This group, along with the patriarch AA and the little sister SG (who lives in Charleston), have been by my side since I moved down here. They were at our wedding and at the hospital when each boy was born. In fact, AA-C was my coach for most of my labor with SRR.
Tonight, we were lucky enough to have dinner at their house. We were gifted with delicious Puerto Rican food and even better company. The laughs were enough to make room for the next course.
I am so blessed to have this friendmily in my life. They not only have blessed me, but my family as well. (They are pros at spoiling the boys!) The world would be a much better place if we had more friendmilies like the A's around!
Until next time....a la friendmilia!!
Bello escrito, amigo!
Good friends are the family we choose (just like we chose you!)
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