I had my first official dealings with my new bank today.
Last week, my old bank, First Market Bank, merged with Union Trust to form Union First Market Bank. FMB was owned by Richmond's famous Ukrop's family, who wisely decided to ride into the sunset this year. Now my little bank was becoming big. A little too big, as during the transition, my debit card was rejected by the gas station (and there were reports of many other people having problems). Sigh...I should have known I'd be in for a bumpy ride.
My first task was to activate my online account. This process took an hour and two phone calls to customer service. I could have done this last week, but my procrastination side took over. This caused me to rush through the sign up procedure, which caused me to be locked out of my account, which forced me to call customer service. And, as if I didn't have enough, I repeated the entire sequence, including the call to customer service. Thank goodness I didn't get the same person!
Next was the paycheck debacle. We received an e-mail from payroll on Friday that today's paycheck would not be directly deposited if we had an account with Union First Market Bank. Seems they were still working out some glitches. I became a Nervous Nellie, knowing that this was the paycheck that paid the mortgage. Somehow, I had to get my paycheck and get it to the bank so that it had time to clear before tomorrow's mortgage payment. All before a training I had to do at 11.
Murphy's Law kicked in: I didn't get my check til 10:30. However, God was good and I actually got to my training with five minutes to spare. The bank people promised me that this was the only time I had to do this. I hope so. Like I said, I hope my nice little bank isn't getting too big!
Until next time....bank away!
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