God is showing his sense of humor....again.
This toothache has been around for a few weeks, but it was nothing serious. A twinge here, an ache there, I was handling it. Then last week, the pain intensified and stayed around longer....and longer....and longer...
Usually I have a high tolerance of pain, but this is driving me crazy. Not only does it hurt, but it's slowing me down and turning me into a not so nice person. This is not the week for this. Tomorrow starts a marathon of events that carries us to Sunday. Events such as:
-Thurs.: Boys to drama class.
-Boys' performing at school talent show.
-Fri. morning: 2 trainings.
-Pick up race bibs.
-JOR to church retreat.
-Sat.: Kids miles for JOR, SRR and MGR
-10K (hopefully with no tooth pain!)
-Play Palm Sunday Vigil
-Sun.: SLEEP IN!
-Yardwork (Weather permitting.)
OK, so I need positive thoughts, prayers and vibes that I can make it to Sunday!!
Until next time....pain be gone!!
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