...of parenthood.
This week was a rough one for our offspring. SRR had a color change at school, and has had "run-mouth-itis", arguing over everything. Even our JOR, the old angel, had his first color change ever this week.....for making fun of somebody! Also, his test scores for the gifted program came back and showed that he was far less than gifted....he was lazy! Then, their drama teacher said they didn't know their lines this week.
OK, I may be overreacting, but I am crushed!! I'm crushed because the boys are working me by arguing and being disrespectful. I'm crushed because my "angel" is making fun of other kids. I'm crushed that my smart, talented boys are not living up to their potential. I'm crushed because I'm being told, "Don't worry. This is normal. It's just the beginning." I'm crushed because I'm also being told, "Everyone is getting edgy 'cause it's getting closer to Spring Break."
Guess what? I am worried! I don't want them growing up nasty and unmotivated. I don't want them thinking this behavior is acceptable. I don't want them to think that this is the beginning of years of torturing Mom. And, truthfully, I don't care if it's close to Spring Break or Arbor Day! Thus, Martial Law will be enacted in the R Ranch this weekend.
I had initially made fun plans for the weekend: a visit to the Richmond's Children's Museum and the state park for a Spring Scavenger Hunt. None of it's happening now. The consequence for their incorrect behaviors that culminated into this weeks' issues will be a weekend at home with....nothing! No TV, video games, or computers. Just books, schoolwork, cleaning and maybe, just maybe, a walk around the block with their mother (they are doing the First Market Kids' Mile next weekend). Perhaps maybe a discussion or activity (or 2 or 3) about behavior and consequences. I cannot stand by and watch them self-destruct. It's bad enough watching them grow up, but it's even worse when they think they've already grown up!
Don't bother to contact them this weekend. We're starting with a 10 mile hike with full pack....and then we'll really get busy!
Until next time...pray for me!
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