Five lessons in four different schools. Sixty miles put on my van today. If it weren't for my XM radio, I'd go stir crazy.
I have the stations set for the many moods I possess while driving. Headbanger music while on the highway, Spa music while I'm driving the back roads, CNN for the latest headlines and, as seen above, Oprah radio for those estrogen moments.
This radio has been a source of information and fun for me. It was through this radio I heard about the tragedy of Virginia Tech. The advice and remedies of Dr. Oz first came to me over these airwaves. I laughed (and almost crashed the van) as I found the filth-less wit of Jeanne Robertson. It has also been a source of inspiration from the Catholic Channel.
I hope and pray I can keep the subscription going after our pay cut. It will be difficult to drive to all these schools without a plethora of listening material. It helps me get through the day.
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