Whew! We made it!!
Martial Law has been lifted and the citizens are free to roam again, provided they don't botch it up. JOR and SRR seemed contrite and humbled by the events, or lack thereof, of the weekend.
This was a learning experience for me as well. It was much harder for me to correct my own kids than a classroom full of others'. I assumed (yucky word) that lots of what I had asked of the boys was known, such as how to put clothes away properly or how to put toys away, or even loading the dishwasher. I realized that I needed to work with them: introducing the skill, modeling and then allowing them to practice it before I check on them. Sounds familiar after being in the classroom for 22 years. A big DUH on my part.
I really need to take a step back and put myself in their shoes: What does Mom mean, "Clean up your room." What do I do? How do I do it? Oh well, I just sit here and read comics til she comes up here, screams, then does it herself.....
To celebrate freedom, we treated the boys to dinner at Waffle House. You would have thought we took them to heaven! They ate like there was no tomorrow and were kind and polite to everyone. We had lots of laughs over dinner and afterwards as we took a walk around the neighborhood. They fell asleep quickly!
JOR and SRR really are good kids! Hopefully, Martial Law will not become the MO at the Ranch. I'm getting too old for this!
Until next time....liberate away!!
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