This essential element to life is going to cause me an early death. To wit:
-Forecast showed rain (heavy with thunderstorms) on its way to Richmond. Hurray! Except that I had to mow the lawn in preparation for SRR's birthday party tomorrow. I waited, and waited, and waited....not only did I waste the day, but the stupid rain never arrived! I finally went out and cut the grass this evening. UGH!!
-Attempted to use the kitchen faucet to fill water balloons for the party. There was more water on the counter than in the balloons. I finally shlepped everything outside, moved a lawn chair next to the spigot and filled away.
-While trying to fill the balloons in the kitchen, MGR tried the faucet in the guest bathroom. Those words I dread came echoing into the kitchen, "Why is there water all over the floor?" I flew in there to find a leak under the sink. How convenient, as tomorrow we'll have friendmily over for the party. This kind of situation happened two years ago, when a leak from upstairs created havoc in my kitchen, again right before SRR's party. Lesson learned: check all plumbing before SRR's birthday, or have it somewhere else!!
-As MGR and JOR were leaving for tonight's gaming events, they took some bottled water with them. JOR: "Dad, the water bottle's leaking!" ARRGGHHHH!! It seems that when Hercules (aka MGR) cut open the case of water, he cut a bottle or two as well.
-Tired of the day's water issues, I was reading the news online, which boasted the headline, "Voluntary Water Restrictions Begin Monday". Sigh.....
Until next time....water away!
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