They need to know balance. Mean Old Mother (M.O.M.) tried to teach them that lesson today.
JOR and SRR had to do chores this morning. After 3 days of pampering and a day of not doing anything, you would have thought I'd ask them to step into traffic. Their jobs were to unload the dishwasher, pick up the sticks in the yard, then weed a little patch of the garden. Hard labor, according to them.
They started out full throttle, then took turns "supervising" (drinking water while watching the other work), then the complaints began....ad nauseum! Yes, I showed them what to do and how to do it. I gave small, attainable goals. I gave them breaks (as required by law). I was still public enemy #1.
Finally, the work was done. It was now time to play with AAC and CSC.

I had to remind them that it's OK to work then play. Mommy does it all the time!
Until next time....balance away!
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