He wasn't smiling at 1:15 this morning.....
I was abruptly awakened to, "Some one's calling you". The faint whimpering of "Mommy" caused me to move as fast as if someone yelled, "Fire!". I flew into the bathroom to find my JOR in a horribly compromised position. I'll skip the gory details, but it was nasty.
This will be just the beginning of the evening's activities. We tried watching a little TV, then going back to bed. Another "issue" on the bedroom floor (thank goodness I put in hardwood floors!). We ended up spending the rest of the night / morning laying on the couch with trash can close at hand while watching the Weather Channel. With "episodes" occurring approximately every 45 min., sleep was not on the "to-do" list. The dawn's early light brought on a fever in JOR as well, so the poor kid was miserable. As he said about 4am, "I don't know what to do. I'm such a mess!" All mommy could do was offer water, clean trash bags, and lots of TLC!
These events are not mentioned in Mommy school. I had to do my best to play part nurse, part support system, part hugger / kisser. While we think he's on the mend, I had to put stuff on the back burner, the most important being a visit with my JAX peeps. I was crushed that I could not see them today, as I was so looking forward to some Loser Therapy.
After a catch-up nap, I moped around the house, still bummed about the missed visit. So, to cheer me up, the Mismatched Marauder showed up in all his glory: blue shirt, green camo pants and my pink socks.

They didn't teach us about this in Mommy school either!
Until next time...recoup away!
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