It is with the deepest sadness that I announce the death of my beloved laptop. My gem, my joy, my solace, my therapy gone with the flicker of a power button. Cause of death: motherboard failure.
I spent two hours last night trying to troubleshoot, to no avail. This afternoon, I got to call India (Mumbai to be exact) for technical support. Chris (we have built a fine friendship on a first-name basis) had me switch RAM boards and reinstall the hard drive, but to no avail. (Bright side: I got to learn a little bit more about my laptop.)
Because of our lengthy repair session (and Chris' monologues about education and this country), my cordless phone's battery went kaput! He promised he would call back in 30 minutes. That was 60 minutes ago...... (Note: He called back on minute 61. Things are moving along.)
While I am very upset (my machine is only 2 months old), I do see some bright sides to this whole ordeal:
-brand new motherboard for free
-time away from excess computer use (luckily MGR is being a doll and letting me use his for the time being)
-I may be able to finish my book this week
-time for a decent mid-week workout anyway
-I can clean my desk easily
-blogging is earlier in the day
-can do the wash
-watch the Olympics
-more time with the boys
Wow, if I'm smart, I can take advantage of this computer detox and be a productive citizen in this house. Or, I can just read and be a bum.
Until next time....read away!
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