I wish I was where he is....
SRR went to the neighbor's birthday party today. When I went to get him, he put on a horrific show: "You're mean! I'm NOT ready to go! I want to stay! You're not nice.." ad nauseum. He didn't let me say that I was going to hang out with the family for a bit before we went home. Thus, he blew it.
I calmly told him he had five minutes and after the pinata, we were going home because his behavior was unacceptable. He was about to pitch another fit about missing the cake, but I warned him that another fit would cause us to go home immediately. He thought better and went to do the pinata.
After SRR's time out, he came to me and apologized for his tantrum. He knew he blew it. After the reconciliation, we ate dinner, played and read together and had a relatively calm, yet fun, evening. Hopefully his decompressed self will be calmer tomorrow.
As I took this picture, I wondered just how many times I "jumped the gun". How many times did I pitch a fit before knowing all the information? How many times did I blow it? How many times should I have taken a "time out " for my own tantrums? Maybe I need to tattoo "Think Before You Speak / Act" on my arm as a reminder. Goodness knows I don't have enough hours in a day for time outs!
Until next time....think away!
1 comment:
Like SRR, I also learned that there are times to pitch a fit, and times to just move on. Luckily, he learned his lesson with a little "time out". I learned mine with a (well... you know..)
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