Today's beautiful autumnal weather allowed me to indulge in an afternoon of.....yard work!
My two trusty assistants helped me remove the remnants of the dead tree. They work so hard to get the dead wood from the yard to the van. They even used, dare I say it, teamwork, to get some of the longer branches to fit. I'm so grateful for their help!
Unfortunately, I couldn't bring them to the dump with me. I had to empty the van onto the brush pile by myself. Seemed like it took forever!
As I was going through this process, I had wonderful flashbacks of my dad and me making our biweekly "dump run". We (or should say I) would load up the car with trash, etc., and head out to the landfill. I would unload everything while Daddy supervised (his arthritis and artificial hips and knees really limited his lifting). My hard work did not go unnoticed. On the way home, he would treat me to a soda, coffee or ice cream. However, the biggest treat of all was to be able to spend quality alone time with him. This made all the work worthwhile.
Had I had room for the boys, I would have taken them out for a soda or ice cream. I want them to see that while work can be hard, it can be rewarding and fun, even if it is a trip to the dump.
Until next time....dump away!
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