I am, by nature, a blamer. It's the (fill in the blank with husband, kids, job, house, cat, family, van, weather, high tide)'s fault. Very rarely did I take responsibility for my life. Until I read this book.
The first "decision" is entitled: "The Buck Stops Here". My past has been determined by me, my present is determined by me and my future will be determined by ME!
In some ways, this is quite liberating. I don't have to rely on external forces to mold my life. It is up to me and me only. If I succeed, it was my success. If I screw up, it was my fault. And when I do screw up, it's OK to learn from it and move on. Andrews says when we want to ask, "Why me?", we need to counteract with "Why NOT me?" It's not a problem I face, it's a choice I make. Seems like an easier pill to swallow. Well, maybe a horse pill coated with chocolate...?
Until next time....choose away!
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