New PJ's, new glasses, new outlook.
Everyone has the "fresh start" approach on New Year's. So do I. And I'll have that approach on Jan. 2, and Jan. 3, and Jan. 4..... I'll take everyday God gives me and make the best of it!
Looking back on the year in blogging, I found many times I was in "survival" mode: as a wife, mother, CCPS employee, human being. Maybe I need to go into "thriving" mode instead. Look at opportunities God is presenting to me. Keep a gracious heart wide open to allow these opportunities to enter my life. Think of myself as a top-notch wife, mother, employee and human being. Who knows? Maybe it'll happen.....
Done surviving, onto thriving!
Sounds good, doesn't it?
This officially concludes my Blog 365 project. Aside from the one day during B's funeral, I managed to complete one year of blogging, complete with pictures. I am extremely grateful to those of you who read it, either on the site or on FB, and even more grateful to those of you who took time to comment. I don't know if this improved my writing, but I know there were days it improved my perspective on life. That's the important thing, isn't it?
Until next time....Happy New Year!!