My newfound friend, Bud, shed a new light on suffering. This very young, very intelligent writer of "A Boundless World" seems to think that, despite our efforts to find and keep happiness in our lives, suffering is good for us.
I can't agree more!
While I don't want to wish someone ill will, I do think suffering is good for a person. My rationale is simple: the more one suffers, the more one can appreciate life's goodness. Some people have told me that I smile too much, laugh too hard and / or that I have an uber positive attitude. Maybe it's because I've been down in the abyss of suffering, so low that I thought I would never get out. Climbing out of the hole, I realized how good life was. I appreciate lots of little things now. Life should not be taken for granted. Everything is golden if you turn it to the sun to make it sparkle.
Until next time....suffer away!
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