Hit the deck.....it's gonna blow!!
Too late!
The pressure got the best of the R men tonight. MGR, fresh off his hardest SOL test, was raw. JOR and SRR, fresh off a long dress rehearsal, were raw as well. The three of them were upstairs. I'm lucky I have a roof left.
The younger two are in a spat stage. Everything is battle and every action is reported. The battled and tattled start first thing in the morning. They carry their grudges from home to school and back home. They torture their Dad in his classroom before and after school. But the worst time is right before bed.
Stupidly, we put their beds in the same room, opening up a space as a playroom. Every evening, they will be snug in their beds, 2 feet apart, grating on each other's nerves. Tonight, despite warnings from both parental units, they went too far.
They will not see their DSi's or TV for another weekend. When will they "get it"?
I'm trying to remain optimistic that this, too, shall pass.......like a kidney stone!
Until next time....relax away!
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