I experienced two things that made me think about living longer.
Last night, I watched "Jamie Oliver's Food Revolution". Neat, but scary. Jamie's mission was to travel to Huntington, W.Va, recently named the unhealthiest city in America, and spread the good news of healthy eating to its residents.
There was one message he kept reiterating: If we don't change the way our kids eat, they may not outlive us. That scares me. No one ever wants to bury their children, but to know that it could have been prevented, or even worse, that you caused it is just sickening. I want my babies to live long enough to change my diapers!
I thought of this as I watched a couple renew their wedding vows this morning. They were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Their children and grandchildren were the bridal party, and all walked in and out to traditional wedding marches (that I had the honor of playing). I dreamt of the day this will happen in my family. MGR and I renew our vows in front of our grown up sons and their families.
It brings me back to the first part of this post. If we can do our best to keep healthy: body, mind and soul, perhaps we can live long enough to celebrate such milestones with generations we don't even know yet. And maybe those young whippersnappers can change Grandma's diapers.
Until next time....live away!
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