The best laid plans of mice and men.....foiled again!
I had the best of intentions to be productive today: play at church, go shopping, do the lawn. Well, one out of three is....lucky?
I played at church this morning. Very nice service. The pastor talked about being fishermen. Had I known how the rest of the day would go, I would have offered to take the hook!
After the service, the fam drove up to Trader Joe's. Fun store, reasonable prices, healthy food. Well, MGR has this habit of putting on his cruise control and not stopping it until we're about 2 inches away from the car ahead of us. It was a rather scary endeavor, complete with loud, dicey dialogue (yes, with the boys in the back....not good!). That put me in sulk mode for the rest of the afternoon.
When we got home, my allergies kicked up, so I took a nap to decompress and decongest. After doing the preliminary edging and trimming, I find that my lawn mower is not functioning. That's a crisis I'll deal with tomorrow.
Fortunately, MGR cooked a lovely lamb dinner and we kissed and made up at the dinner table (in front of the boys...yeah!). Maybe he's not such a "King Ding Dong" (as his shirt implies) after all.
Until next time....carpe away!
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