Today was a week or two in the making....
I held "Surprise Saturday" over the boys' heads all week. If they stayed on green (the color for good behavior) in school and they were good at home, Mommy was going to take them out for a day of fun. By golly, it worked. They were great all week, and now they were getting their surprise. At first the weather was rainy, but the sun came out and all was lovely today!
Unfortunately, they had to start the day sitting through my Weight Watchers meeting, where they've become unofficial mascots of the Saturday morning groups. However, after running a few errands, our first surprise was the YMCA Healthy Kids Day. They got to play on the inflatables, try archery (I think JOR is a natural.), play with Ronald McDonald (I know, "Healthy" Kids Day?), sit in a fire truck, get their faces painted, learned how to brush their teeth correctly, putt a golf ball, and they each got tattoos, a goody bag and a t-shirt. The fun was just beginning.
Lunch was a cookout with our friendmily. The A-C group came over for some burgers, kielbasa and a quinoa salad. Yum!! Onto the next leg of the journey.
We got to go house shopping. AAC and CC are looking at houses in a very nice neighborhood, so the boys and I, along with LA and TC, got to walk through two of the models. Both beautiful, but in different ways. If only they can meld the two designs together. Sigh...if only MGR and I could win the lottery..... I'd love to be neighbors!
Crossing Woolridge Road, we took the boys to the "Fools for Art" celebration at John Tyler Community College. It was a wonderful community event highlighting the arts, education and nature. The boys participated in their very first drum circle, decorated journals and bookmarks to take home, designed a bag for their "Boppie", had some food, learned about recycling, and looked at bugs and bacteria under a microscope.
After learning about being healthy, then enjoying an afternoon of art, it was time for some soul work. We attended Mass at St. Mary's, JCS's parish. The priest did a beautiful job with the homily and the liturgy was lovely. However, the biggest kudos go to JOR and SRR for being extremely well-behaved at Mass. JOR was an active participant and SRR, even while getting tired and hungry, hung in there and played quietly during the entire Mass. The picture above shows them after Mass, a little tired, but still good.
We crossed back over the river for a yummy dinner at Champs. The boys, given carte blanche to eat what they wanted, made decent choices for dinner. Mommy didn't. At least another 4 hours on the elliptical this week!
When we got home, my stinkers took their medicine and went straight to bed. They were exhausted!! A twelve hour day was enough for them! And me!!
I must take this opportunity to brag, while I can. The boys were amazing today. They did a lot and asked for little. They moved a lot and whined a little. I was amazed at their behavior today. They were troopers and angels! (Maybe I need to plan a Surprise Saturday more often!) And I know I now have this blog post to refer to when they act like stinkers again!
Until next time...surprise away!
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