I'm having a HUGE gratitude check today.
This morning was my first physical in about 2-3 years. My doctor seems to think I'm in good shape, save for a bum knee, bad eyes, and a little extra weight that I hope to lose. My blood pressure was excellent and, according to my doctor, my good, deep breathing and my strong, slow resting heart rate are that of an athlete (Who would've thunk?). The bloodwork results will be sent to me in a few weeks, along with a handwritten note from my doctor. How cool is that?
Fast forward a few hours and I'm goofing around with my boys at the park. I ran and they biked the fitness trail, then we played some tennis. Since I only have 2 racquets, I let them do most of the playing. They had a blast!!
I was thinking about my childhood while watching the boys play. The horrific memories of being an obese, inactive, shy, insecure kid hit me between the eyes. I am very grateful that my boys are healthy and active, as well as a little on the outgoing side. Hopefully, I have given them enough exposure to activity to keep them physically motivated and healthy for their lifetimes. I do not want them to fight the battle I'm fighting now.
Then another reflection hit me. I almost lost a dear friend last year in a freakish brain bleeding episode. "Miraculous" is the word to describe his recovery and his newfound love of life!
Yet another reflection. My colleague's son is having some health issues of an unknown origin. The doctors are running test after test to determine what could be causing them and how to stop them. I cannot imagine what that family is going through.
What I've concluded is this. Money, possessions, cars, clothes, and houses are no substitute for the greatest gift: good health. My father always said, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." Ironically, his self-abuse took him after a short 53 years on this earth. But I understood what he was saying. If your "container" is not strong, it's very difficult to take in all that life has to offer.
Today was an affirmation of my attempt at a healthy lifestyle. Eating a little better and moving a little more will be on my "to-do" list everyday. And, of course, a little gratitude check here and there wouldn't hurt either.
Until next time....live away!!
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