..and so it continues, 7 years later, "You can't always get what you want".
We're having an issue with our JOR. Unmotivatied, lackadaisical, blase'. In a word, LAZY!!! We are noticing it more as he's being challenged more. He wants to try different stuff, not because he's a renaissance boy, but because he doesn't want to take any of his skills to the next level. Whether it's football, drama, music or academics, the boy is not "kicking it up a notch."
His daddy and I think that maybe, just maybe, he's got some talent in the arts. We are realistic knowing that he may not be all that "and a bag of chips". (Thanks BG!) But we think he has something. Sadly, he only shows it sporadically. The same goes for his academics. One year, he's tested gifted, the next year, not even close!
It was with a heavy heart that we had to throw the book at him. We've had to put him on restriction until he shows an effort in SOMETHING. No TV, no Nintendo, no nothing until he shows us he is worthy to live in this house. That means giving his best effort at all times. After his dramatic monologue of "Why me? That's not fair! You hate me!!" (Complete with tears....thus showing his dramatic skills!) I told him we could have taken the easy route: pull him out of football and let watch TV and video games till he wants to go to bed. But we love him too much to see him fail. We are going to be hard on him. Hopefull, someday, he'll thank us for this.
Until next time...toughen away!
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