I try not to be angry. Useless and energy consuming. However, I reached a low point today. I ask your indulgence as I vent:
-Homebuilders and the BOS caused the demise of our county. Ship them out!
-Go ahead and homeschool your kids. That'll leave more for my kids!
-Parents who take their kids out of school, or go to the midnight movie, to see "Iron Man 2" weeks before SOL tests, need to homeschool their kids. Obviously, you don't appreciate everything your kids are getting at CCPS. Keep them out and watch movies all day. Again, more for my kids.
-People who assign standardized tests without accommodations for special education students need to get their heads out of the sand!
-Administrators who bow to parents need to be principals of homeschools.
-Dear Mr. Lifeguard on the Stairmaster: What part of 30 minute time limit did you not understand an hour ago?
-Hey lady, wipe down that machine!
-Elementary schools in Clay County, FL will no longer have music classes. Pitiful.
-Is Glenn Beck naturally ignorant or is it an OD of chalk dust?
-Why do newscasters talk to hear their heads roar?
-Why do I let stupid people get me angry?
Luckily, I calmed down after an hour of hard cardio. However, I'm still sort of ticked that these thoughts took some of brain cells away. I'm hoping for a better day tomorrow.
Until next time....vent away!
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