The fam had a wonderful Halloween night. We actually celebrated JOR going out to Trick or Treat for the first time in 2 years. He had been very sick each year and could never go out. We were having a blast visiting friends and family.
Then Daddy got sick.
He's been complaining of a cold and ear problems the past few days. We were chalking it up to seasonal allergies and working in his 80 year old building. Tonight the pain and discomfort were beyond severe. To top it off, he lost his voice! To many, this could have been a blessing, but because tomorrow is parent-teacher conference and he has to talk to 13 parents, this is not a good thing. I made the executive decision to go to Patient First and get to the bottom of it.
Glad I did. Bronchitis.
We were there for an hour doing the whole gamut: x-rays, blood work, swab, etc. Luckily we were able to get most of his meds there. I picked up the rest later.
Now he's resting and hopefully will get through tomorrow.
Meanwhile, I have to brag. JOR and SRR were truly my angels tonight. They were amazing in the waiting room as I skated between them and their daddy. They sat nicely playing their DSi's and watching CNN. The staff was quite complementary about their behavior. While checking with them for about the 40th time, JOR asked the technical question, "What kind of diagnostics are they doing on Daddy?" I guess he thinks Dad is a Buick. Gotta love that child!!
Until next time...heal away!
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