I would like to introduce you to my new friend. Santa delivered her a few days before Christmas, but I was good and didn't open it til Christmas afternoon. It is a more than adequate replacement for my pitiful desktop that kept spontaneously shutting down while I worked. Not only will this machine stay on, but it's fast, portable and flexible. I can type on it, write on it, drag on it and tap on it. It definitely fulfills my kinesthetic fetish.
This tool will help me attempt a huge feat: A daily blog. My dear friend and inspiration, JSG, managed to do it while working 2 jobs (many days on the road), being a wonderful wife and mother (How can we forget EJG's brain bleeds?), and fulfilling her dream as a performer. It is my hope that this blog will get me through what will be a rough year. No, I'm not being a pessimist, just a realist. This blog will be my therapy, helping me through the hurdles this year will present. I'm praying that the friends and family in my "blogger-hood" will keep inspiring me to press on, especially when things get really bumpy.
I'm sure my new toy, oops I mean tool, will help as well.